
Grand Canyon: Rock Dating

The Grand Canyon is both a geologist’s dream and a geologist’s nightmare. It’s a geologist’s dream because it’s not just a bunch of sediment rock layers (like sandstone and limestone), but it also has hardened lava flows and …

The Notorious Radiocarbon Dating, Part 2

Last week, I said that there are two main differences between radiocarbon dating and other radioisotope dating methods:  the especially short half-life of Carbon-14, which I discussed last time, and now, where the Carbon-14 comes from.  Radioactive carbon …

The Notorious Radiocarbon Dating, Part 1

Have you ever heard someone say that Carbon dating proves that the earth is 4.5 billion years old?  Well, if you ever do, realize that they are dead wrong.  Even evolutionists who know what they are talking about …


To host an event in your area, please contact us! These classes and presentations are available for school groups, church groups, home school groups, conferences, and other groups. To RSVP for an upcoming event contact us Upcoming event …

Hawaii – All Three Types of Science

The luscious green canopy of trees suddenly turned into a desert-like terrain.  Shiny black landscape glistened in the mid-day sunlight.  Rolling, lumpy black land stretched on for many miles. The light dotting of trees and small shacks soon …

Rock Time – Part 1

“May I borrow someone’s binder for a moment?” my geology professor asked in class one day. I offered mine. He started flipping through to find our next assignment . . . and continued to flip through the thick …

Logical Layering

The shadow of the Grand Canyon wall offered a little protection from the heat of the late summer afternoon heat as I gazed up toward the rim, though at times it was too high to see anything of …

Underground Rocks

I tightened my grip on the raft as a sudden splash of icy brown water made me shiver in spite of the Arizona afternoon sunshine.    The light gleamed off the shiny black rock columns towering up the deep …

Well-Rounded Reasoning, Part 2

Ever heard someone say they know earth is billions of years old because of radiometric dating?  On the surface, that may sound like a fairly reasonable, scientific thing to say.  What many people do not realize is that …

Where Do Fossil Ages Come From? – Creation Clues For Kids Vol. 2 No.1

Radioisotope Dating Have you ever heard someone at a museum or on TV say something like this “ . . . this T-rex lived 65 million years ago . . .” and wonder how they come up with …

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